Monthly Archives: November 2013


I know we all know what that stands for: what would Jesus do. And, it was quite the popular phenomenon while I was growing up. Everyone, and I mean EVERYONE, I knew…

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Why I Do What I Do

If I had lived back in the time of Daniel, as a Gentile I would have likely been Babylonian…if not by birth, then overtaken by them. As such, I would have been…

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How Christianity and Studying Abroad Should Be The Same

Most of you who know me, know that I studied abroad while I was in college. I lived in Italy for three months, and it was by far one of the greatest…

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Beating Bitterness, Attitude Edition

Bitterness is one of those topics that we don’t like to think about, and especially don’t like to talk about, because so many of us struggle with it. If we’re being honest…

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How Do You Spend Your Down Time?

That may seem like a ridiculous question, because you may not feel like you have any down time! But, we all do. There are at least a few minutes throughout the week…

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My Sinful Diet

Women, as a whole, struggle with weight-related issues. Our culture has made “perfection” size 000, and if you achieve said pants size, you are then dubbed anorexic or sick. It’s no wonder,…

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Today is a really interesting day: It’s 11-12-13, and there will only be one more of those consecutive, weddings-like-crazy days(12-13-14) for a really long time. So yeah, I’d say today was special.…

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TBT: Hating Fall Edition

Maybe you’ve noticed the influx of #TBT posts on your Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. The three letters simply mean Throwback Thursday. Most of the time, the hashtag is accompanied by a picture…

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Are Your Windows Opened?

Last night, as Robert and I were sitting in our living room playing with our newest edition, Duffy, we were startled (to say the VERY least) by a very loud noise…which turned…

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God Through the Eyes of a Child

On Wednesday evenings, I usually have some little ones sitting next to me. Their parents don’t attend with them, and so they come and sit with me. It’s evident that they’ve never…

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