Monthly Archives: October 2014

Giving What’s There

There are a lot of things about the life of Gideon that makes his story fascinating. His humility, his leadership, the great victory. There’s so much to say about this great man…

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Learning from Lot’s Daughters

In Genesis 19, we read a series of very disturbing stories. It is the chapter where Sodom and Gomorrah are ultimately destroyed, where all of its inhabitants are destroyed, where Lot’s family…

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Don’t Engage

We’re all familiar with the account of the first sin, found in Genesis 3. The serpent, cunning and deceptive, approaches Eve and asks what seems to be a simple question: “Has God…

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Be a Doorkeeper

Sometimes, you run across verses that encourage you. Sometimes, you run across verses that lift your spirits in a time of trouble. Sometimes, you run across verses you’d never really noticed, and…

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I Want To Be Tea

On Monday, I was privileged to go to the Charleston Tea Plantation with some new friends. It was an exciting day of fellowship and tea drinking, but I didn’t expect for it…

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You Are The World’s View

There are a lot of responsibilities on Christians. We are required to spread the good news of Jesus to the entire world (Mark 16:15). We are required to keep all of the…

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Working Rockstars

I am very new to the stay-at-home-wife gig. From a young age, “work” was instilled within me. You want money in high school – look, I signed you up for an interview…

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Psalms to Pray

Recently on Wifey Wednesdays, I did an episode where I laid out my prayer schedule. It is a very helpful tool for me – someone who’s always struggled with maintaining a regular…

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God’s Handiwork: Charleston

A while ago I created a series dedicated to seeing God in the beautiful places I’ve been blessed to travel. I am blessed to be able to live in one of those gorgeous…

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It’s [Not] My Life

I have a problem: I really like to do what I want to do. I think part of it has to do with the stage of life I’m in right now. I’m…

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