Category: Compassion

How Will They Learn?

Our children are watching. Our weak brothers and sisters are watching. The lost world is watching. How will they learn about the love of Jesus and His marvelous grace unless it is…

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Alienated: A Christian in a “Christian” Nation

Maybe it’s because I haven’t been writing regularly for over a year. Maybe it’s because every week affords a new controversy to ponder. Maybe it’s because I am so incredibly tired of…

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Praise for the Thorn

We all have a thorn. Really, we likely have lots of different thorns all throughout our lives. Presently, my thorn is depression. You can read all about that here. Like Paul, I…

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Jesus Loves ______

Recently I was smacked right between the eyes with a pretty brutal reality: sometimes I think Jesus loves me more than He loves others. I don’t intentionally feel this way. Actually, I…

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Internet Interaction

I was appalled, scrolling through my news feed and coming across one of those articles, where a friend of mine had commented on it and now it showed up as something I…

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Will You Be Ready?

There is a lot of controversy brewing in the social media world. Let me tell you something about me that you may or may not already know: I don’t get involved in…

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I’m Not Always Right

It’s really hard to admit it, but I’m not always right. If you ask my husband, he’ll tell you that one of my favorite phrases is “I’m always right.” Most of the…

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The Moment Matters

If you’re anything like me, then sometimes you’re guilty of not liking people or not getting along with people because of something they did to you or the way they came across to…

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Beating Bitterness, Attitude Edition

Bitterness is one of those topics that we don’t like to think about, and especially don’t like to talk about, because so many of us struggle with it. If we’re being honest…

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My Eyes

It’s strange, but sometimes my mind thinks in poetry. Ever since our return from El Salvador, I’ve been having daily realizations of the person I am and the person I need to…

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