Category: Self-Esteem

Catalyst or Crutch?

I thoroughly enjoy taking personality tests. More adequately understanding myself and others is something I deem quite beneficial, especially since I interact with a lot of different types of people on a…

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Use My Weakness

Monday was all about realizing who we’re not. When we stop focusing on ourselves and our own strength, that is when the strength of God comes in and accomplishes the big things.…

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My Sinful Diet

Women, as a whole, struggle with weight-related issues. Our culture has made “perfection” size 000, and if you achieve said pants size, you are then dubbed anorexic or sick. It’s no wonder,…

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Mighty (wo)men of Valor

If you’re familiar with the Old Testament, you’ve probably heard of the ‘mighty men of valor’. Different men and families are listed countless times throughout the early Old Testament books, and are…

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An Excuse God Won’t Accept

I love the story of Moses. From the beginning with the midwives (Exodus 1:16-21) to Miriam’s role to the plagues to the Exodus, Moses’ story is a wonderful one. Today, I want…

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Mirror Matters

As promised, here are a few tips for overcoming the daily battle with the mirror (aka the struggle with self-esteem and self-worth). 1: Recognize your body for what it really is. 1…

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Tough Stuff Tuesday: Temple of God or Temple to Self?

Recently, one of my dear friends (and a young woman that I look up to in many things) wrote a blog post on how we as women deal with body image issues.…

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Dress to Impress

No doubt you’ve heard the phrase ‘dress to impress’. Generally, the term is in reference to the opposite sex, a future employer, or some other person wherein it would be to your…

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Tough Stuff Tuesday: Self Worth

Recently, I received a message on my tumblr account from a girl who said she needed some help. I went to her blog and found a post that itemized the struggles in…

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(wordless Wednesday)

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