Category: Servants

Pierce My Ear

Among the first commandments God gives to the children of Israel after they’ve left Egypt is a command about servants. The law states that Hebrew servants can only be kept six years,…

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Are You a Faithful Priest?

According to 1 Peter 2, those who have been baptized into Christ are now a royal priesthood; Christians are God’s own special people, set apart for the holy purposes of our Maker.…

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Created with Purpose

Sometimes, women like to get up in arms about a lot of different things, mostly the differences between them and men. We don’t like to accept that there are differences, and so…

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First Century Dedication

When I look at the landscape of modern-day Western Turkey, my eyes are opened to just how difficult the travels of the apostle Paul and other first century brethren were. In my…

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Wanting Vs. Doing

I think it’s safe to say that we all understand the vast difference in wanting to do something and actually doing something. Every time I venture onto the Groupon website, I foolishly…

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Loving Our Role

Every day, as women of God, we are bombarded. There’s a mold out there that we’re supposed to fit into, and a lot of times, that mold is a man’s mold. We’re…

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Be a Doorkeeper

Sometimes, you run across verses that encourage you. Sometimes, you run across verses that lift your spirits in a time of trouble. Sometimes, you run across verses you’d never really noticed, and…

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I Want To Be Tea

On Monday, I was privileged to go to the Charleston Tea Plantation with some new friends. It was an exciting day of fellowship and tea drinking, but I didn’t expect for it…

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Working Rockstars

I am very new to the stay-at-home-wife gig. From a young age, “work” was instilled within me. You want money in high school – look, I signed you up for an interview…

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It’s [Not] My Life

I have a problem: I really like to do what I want to do. I think part of it has to do with the stage of life I’m in right now. I’m…

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