Category: Temptation

Keep Getting Up

Postpartum depression is all the rage. Literally. When people think of being depressed, or at least, when I used to think of being depressed, I didn’t think of anger. I thought of…

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High Expectations in Difficult Moments

Most people would say I have a pass. At the very least, they might say that I should cut myself some slack. Between learning to adapt to a new phase of life…

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The Slip

By now, I’m sure you know that our entire state (South Carolina) has seen some extreme weather. We have been inundated with water, and the effects of such are devastating in many…

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The Meaning of Were

“Do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived. Neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor homosexuals, nor sodomites, nor thieves, nor covetous,…

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Adventures in Almost Stealing

These days, I’m really trying to keep track of the things that tempt me. Unless I know what kinds of things tend to creep toward the recesses of my heart, how can…

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The Unlocked Door

There’s a story going around about two people who called the police after being trapped in a closet for two days. Only it turns out, they weren’t trapped at all. The story…

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Old Things Have Passed Away

In my opinion, one of the most fascinating things about the way God created us is the fact that He gave us distinct personalities. How many of us love to take those…

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Riding the Line

I am fascinated daily by the amount of terrible driving in Charleston. I’ve never seen such terrible driving! Nearly every day, we pass an accident of some sort. If we don’t, we…

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Don’t Engage

We’re all familiar with the account of the first sin, found in Genesis 3. The serpent, cunning and deceptive, approaches Eve and asks what seems to be a simple question: “Has God…

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Be a Doorkeeper

Sometimes, you run across verses that encourage you. Sometimes, you run across verses that lift your spirits in a time of trouble. Sometimes, you run across verses you’d never really noticed, and…

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