Could I Be Hacked?

What would happen if you got hacked? The story broke earlier this week that many celebrities are up in arms because of a hack that included “sensitive” material. Most of the stars affected are 20- and 30-somethings who had taken photos of themselves nude. Obviously having those pictures in the wrong hands would make someone uncomfortable. Thus, the media attention.

There are a lot of things that could be said about all of this, and a lot of them have been said. Don’t take naked pictures if you don’t want them to be seen. Nothing is secure in the digital age, so why take chances? On and on the arguments go.

As Christians, we have a few of responses to these types of things, don’t we? First, we disagree whole-heartedly with stealing anyone’s property, be it digital, intellectual, or physical. We know that those who steal are not righteous (Eph. 4:28), therefore we cannot condone such behavior. Second, we disagree with sexting, nude selfies, sexual immorality, and anything regarded as lewd. The Bible plainly states that those who participate in such activities sin against themselves and against God (1 Cor.6:18). We also know that people who are sexually impure and immoral will not have access to the kingdom of heaven (Rev. 21:8 and a host of other places). Third and finally, we disagree with the “well you deserved it” attitude. Righteous people have righteous attitudes. Attitudes of peace, forgiveness, empathy, and love. Righteous people are merciful and gracious, just like their Father. Christians disagree with anyone who would claim to be righteous and cast a negative image on our Savior.

Apart from all of those things, though, I think this story can teach all of us a valuable lesson. We need to live our “private” lives like we’re going to get hacked. Paul wrote to the Thessalonians and said to flee – get as far away from – every kind of evil as they could. What kind of evil is left out of that? Obviously none! If something is unrighteous, the child of God gets away from it!

So what is saved onto your phone? What kind of images? What about your messages? What kind of speech do you use when you think it’s only you and one other person talking? What kind of photos do you send? What kinds of games do you play?

What about your home computer or laptop? What kinds of things have you been searching for? What does your browser history look like? If someone hacked into your accounts, would they find immorality hiding in the closets, or would there be wholesome things that you wouldn’t be ashamed of?

If there is anything about our private lives that we wouldn’t want to be exposed, we need to abstain from those things. We need to get as far away from those things as possible. Paul told Christians in 1 Corinthians 4:5 that the Lord “will both bring to light the hidden things of darkness and reveal the counsels of the hearts.” Are you ready for God to expose all of your private data? Your actions? Your thoughts? Your heart?

May we all live pure, transparent lives. May everything we say and do be to the glory of our God. And may anything that would harm our reputations (and more importantly our Savior’s reputation) be put as far away from us as is possible.

Being hacked is possible (and probable) in this day and age. Faithful children of God shouldn’t have to worry about it. I hope you don’t have to.


  1. I’m a faithful child of God but since I’m a writer too, I’ve looked up some weird things in the name of research. And I admit that I haven’t read the full story, but suppose that the only naked photo you were taking and sending was to your husband. Then what?

    No nothing is safe in the digital age, so if engaging in such actions put heavy duty encryption on it. These women felt safe or there wouldn’t be such an outcry.

    • I agree these women felt safe, but in most cases they aren’t married, so I can’t condone that based on the hypothetical scenario anyway. But as far as things for our husbands, I agree there would be nothing inherently wrong with our husbands having images of us, but as Christians, we’re called to a higher standard, so I’m not going to put things out there that could fall into the wrong hands. As much as depends on me, I am keeping my entire self to my husband. I can write notes or do anything in the privacy of my own home, but I’m going to be smart enough to realize the capabilities of hackers these days and not give any ammo, as innocent as it is to my husbands eyes.


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