Internet Interaction

I was appalled, scrolling through my news feed and coming across one of those articles, where a friend of mine had commented on it and now it showed up as something I might be interested in. The problem was, the comment came to my eye first, and as I read it, I was humiliated. This was a fellow Christian, and yet, their comment was unnerving. They were calling names. Complaining. Being rude and divisive. It. Was. Horrendous.

But that’s the problem with the internet, right? You can basically interact with anyone on the planet, and when it’s not someone you know personally, you feel like you can say whatever you want, however you want. It’s unlikely we’d use the same crass language in everyday conversation. We definitely wouldn’t use it as we assembled with our brothers and sisters. But behind the screen….hundreds if not thousands of miles away from the ones we’re interacting with…we’re embolden with sinful attitudes. Unafraid (and unashamed, sadly) to voice our spiteful, hurtful, non-Christlike words to anyone who happens to run across them.

As those claiming and striving to be disciples of Jesus, let’s be careful. No, let’s be vigilant. Let’s be purposeful, using only language that is befitting of one who wears the name of Christ. Even if we’re interacting with strangers — people who may never know our religious beliefs or whole-hearted convictions. But shouldn’t they see a reflection of them, even if we don’t have “I’m a Christian” stamped across our profile picture? Shouldn’t they be able to see a sense of decency, humility, and care in our words and interactions?

Followers of Christ aren’t perfect. At all. We are – praise our amazing God! – justified by the blood of our dear Savior. We are cleansed of the unrighteousness that we too-often commit. We fail, but we are trying. Trying to walk in the steps of the Savior. Trying to let the world see a light that comes from our God, a life that will give praise and honor to His holy name.

Sometimes, though, we get in the way of His light. We put our own political agendas…beliefs…first amendment rights…above the One whose name we wear. And shame on us for that. Shame on me for that. Our lives are to be about Christ. Characterized by Christlikeness. Always striving to be more like Him, and less like ourselves. Constantly battling to get the bad out and the holy in. Not constantly battling with people on social media about flags and guns and candidates and sports teams and retail stores and/or anything else. Our lives shouldn’t be characterized by debate. They should be characterized by the gospel. By good news. By purity and sanctification.

Because let me be honest with you, it is SO hard to keep from sinning. It is SO hard to stop being selfish. I don’t have enough time in my day to sit and troll the internet for stories I disagree with or that might cause a comment war on my wall. I need more Jesus. Even more Jesus than I can possibly fill my day with.

So let’s be people who are striving, whole-heartedly, for holiness. Striving for peace with all people, even the ones we disagree with. People who are known as loving, caring, patient, and generous. Let our minds be molded into the mind of Christ. Let our lives magnify His holy name, and the greatest cause.

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