The Best Day

Last Wednesday, I had a completely incredible day. Red letter, really. It was one of those days when you wake up and know it’s going to be great, and then things just keep falling into place as it goes along.

Let’s recap:

In the midst of all this snow and ice craziness, it was 80 degrees and sunny in Charleston. I know, I know. =)  I decided that I couldn’t waste the sunshine on a laundry day, so I got in my car and drove to the beach. It was windy, but still warm enough that I didn’t get cold in my short sleeves! Oh, and did I mention there was free beach parking! Cha-ching!

Next, I drove around with the windows down, music blaring, with the sun shining warmly on my arms. It was glorious. I found some amazing deals at Goodwill for my Surviving Charleston Summer wardrobe, had a wonderful lunch with my sweetest husband, AND, the lead singer of my favorite band replied to me on Twitter. Seriously amazing day people. So good.

But I was walking through a parking lot with the sun beaming down on me, I smiled and thought of heaven.

“The city had no need of the sun or of the moon to shine in it, for the glory of God illuminated it. The Lamb is its light (Rev. 21:23).”

I was excited because I’d gotten to spend the day in the warmth of the sun, but in heaven, there isn’t a need for it. As wonderful as the sun feels on my skin, heaven will be better than that. As happy as the bright sun on  clear blue day makes me, especially after a long and cold winter, heaven will be better. The glory of our God will be the brightness of heaven. The glory of God will shine on all of us. That will be far greater than the sun! Far greater than anything!

But then I think about the ocean.

As I stood in front of the Atlantic, I felt peace. There is just something calming about the ocean waves and the feel of sand beneath your feet, isn’t there? And again, I longed for heaven. I crave that feeling of peace, and in heaven, that will be the only feeling there is. Our God, who formed the oceans and waves and tides and sand, is the God of peace. He is the Author of peace, a that peace is far beyond our understanding, and He freely gives it to His people (Phil. 4:7,9). How wonderful will heaven be!! Anywhere where peace abounds must be a beautiful place, so heaven must be far beyond our wildest imaginations. I cannot wait to go there!!

Finally, though, I think about what really made my day special. When I got the notification on my phone that one of my favorite artists (Ken Block of Sister Hazel) had taken the time to reply to me on Twitter (which, I just quoted their lyrics in an Instagram post!) my day was made. I was ecstatic!! I know pretty much every lyric this man has ever written. I have been listening to his songs for…nearly 20 years. TWENTY. And he responded to me. I was so happy!!

But…he’s a man. Just a man. In heaven, I get to be with the Creator of the universe. And guess what? He already knows my name! He already has my name written in His book. Sure, it may be exciting to think of celebrities knowing who you are, but honestly, that’s nothing in comparison to the Eternal and Almighty knowing you! Not just responding haphazardly on social media. But knowing. And not just knowing, but loving. Caring. The Author of this planet we live on crafted you and molded you and wants you to live with Him forever. That should make every single day of your life an amazing day!

Sunshine and beach days make for happy times, but that’s fleeting. The sun will go down. A storm will come. But heaven! Heaven’s glory will never fade. Nothing dark or sinful or unpleasant can touch our Father’s home. So that’s where I will set my mind. Not on the temporary, but on the eternal. Where Christ is. Where my Father is. Where they are, that’s where I want to be. With the Ones who know my name. The Ones who made the sun and the ocean and this world that I live on; who prepared a place for me to go once They’re through with me here.

Jesus, come soon. We’re ready for heaven.

And we will fly away in the twinkling of an eye
Leaving all our heartaches and telling them all goodbye
Yes we will fly away when he hears His Father say,
“Jesus, go and get your bride, today’s your wedding day”

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