Enough with the Celebrity Weddings!

I love the British monarchy. I have an entire podcast dedicated to comparing those royals to the royal family of God. I took screen shots of the royal wedding as it was happening–meaning I was up at 4am to watch it! Clearly I like weddings, and highly publicized ones at that. But last weekend, there was a big time, over the top celebrity wedding and, quite frankly, I am so very sick of hearing about it.

It’s not that I’m tired of hearing about it because I hate weddings: I don’t. It’s not that I’m tired of hearing about it because I hate Italy (where the wedding was): I definitely don’t. It’s not that I’m tired of hearing about the wedding simply because it’s been all over every bit of media: I enjoy news stories. Instead, I’m tired of it because it exposes a huge flaw in our Christian thinking.

How many of us would be up in arms over a so-called homosexual marriage? How many of us would be boycotting TV stations and magazines for featuring a story so prominently? How many of us would turn off the TV, put down the magazine, and be sickened by the very idea! My guess is that a lot of us would be. And, because God has defined marriage as one man and one woman I feel we are justified in that thinking. However, the passage (Matthew 19:4-9) goes on to say that marriage is one man and woman forever. No man should break apart what God has joined together.

So here’s this highly publicized wedding between these uber-famous celebrities. 1: They have already been involved in fornication because they have a child together. 2: She has already been married multiple times. How, then, are Christians following this story? How are Christians excited about the wedding photos? How are Christians actively promoting this at all?

Sin is sin. And while it seems the homosexual movement is on the rise, it is not the only sinful behavior being shoved down our throats. Instead, it is the behavior that we resist. It is the behavior that we don’t tolerate. It is the behavior that sickens us. And again, what God is against – we are against, so we are against homosexual behavior. But God isn’t ONLY against homosexual behavior. God condemns adultery and fornication and every kind of sexual sin outside of the marriage bond HE created between one man and one woman.

We’ve become deSINsitized. We see only the latest sinful thrust, ignoring what’s been going on for so long. Since our generation grew up exposed to all kinds of sexual promiscuity and immorality, we don’t bat an eye at adultery and fornication, but homosexuality–that’s new! We must despise and reject it! But God is not partial in condemning sin, and neither should we be! If we are going to turn off the filth on television because of the “homosexuals” it’s highlighting, why aren’t we willing to do the same thing for any other sin it’s glorifying?

I love weddings. I love the pictures and love stories and beautiful songs and fancy dresses. But I love God more, and that means that I’m not oohing and ahhing over all of these celebrities who are committing adultery. I’m not excited when so-and-so is having so-and-so’s baby. I’m impartial. And if I wouldn’t cheer and fawn over a homosexual union, I certainly shouldn’t cheer about an adulterous one.

As people trying to be like Jesus, let’s stop celebrating sin (in any form) and start trying to heal it. Let’s stop being outraged at the temptations certain people have and start trying to help them overcome. And let us absolutely stop looking down on one type of sin while holding closely to something else God has called an abomination. Remember, “And the world is passing away, and the lust of it; but he who does the will of God abides forever.” We cannot do part of the will of God and expect salvation. We must make our lives totally and completely comply with God’s commands, impartially ridding every aspect of our lives of sin. Then and only then will we be truly pleasing to God. May He help us to be more like Him every day.

1 comment

  1. YES!!! Totally agree with this. In other news, I am so out of touch, I have no idea who got married. ;) lol


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