Category: Cross

It Ends With Me

Isaiah 53 has always been a favorite passage of mine. From the moment I first read it, I was captivated by the description of my Lord. Since my discovery, the text has…

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Don’t Engage

We’re all familiar with the account of the first sin, found in Genesis 3. The serpent, cunning and deceptive, approaches Eve and asks what seems to be a simple question: “Has God…

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But You Are Holy

I love Sundays for a host of reasons, but mostly because I get to spend time contemplating what Jesus has done for me. I get to spend a significant portion of my…

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Never Forget

It’s a day that we will never forget. A day where hundreds died and millions mourned. A day when we cried out for justice, and vowed to “always remember.” September 11, 2001…

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The Darkest Day

It was the darkest day. The sun was blacked, and shadows crept upon the noontime hustle and bustle.  The shouts had quieted by this point, as the crowd drew nearer to the…

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God Said No

It is always moving to think about Jesus dying for me. I am so thankful for the weekly reminder He instituted in the Lord’s Supper. Each week, I am overwhelmed by the…

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Flashback Friday

Just like Man Crush Monday is a thing, Flashback Friday is quite the trend on social media sites like Instagram and Twitter. Mostly, anywhere hashtags (#) are present and popular. Unlike the…

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I know we all know what that stands for: what would Jesus do. And, it was quite the popular phenomenon while I was growing up. Everyone, and I mean EVERYONE, I knew…

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Why Do I Love Jesus?

Too often, I stumble through this life proclaiming the title ‘Christian’, but forget why I do. In the back of my mind, without fail, is the underlying reason: because I love Jesus.…

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The Greatest Gift

Have you ever received a really remarkable, overwhelming gift from someone? How did you feel? I can tell you, I’ve received some pretty amazing gifts throughout my lifetime: some wildly expensive, some…

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