Category: Peace

Broken Homes

So many people that I know are experiencing the hurt that comes along with broken homes. With that in mind, I urge you to read this post. If someone you love is…

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10 Thoughts on Overcoming Trials

We all go through trials. At some point (and at multiple points), all of us will experience things that seem too tough to handle and too big to conquer. In those moments,…

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10 Promises from God

Life is rough sometimes. Now, perhaps more than ever, our nation needs to turn to God. Why? Because God can heal all wounds and give all peace and make all things right.…

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How to Live in Peace

Sometimes the simplest passages can be the most profound. Romans 12 has proved to be such a text for me. Whenever I am struggling to get along with a person or group of…

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God Loves YOU Specifically

A new favorite verse of mine has got to be Isaiah 49:16. Here, Isaiah records the Lord saying the following: “See, I have inscribed you on the palms of My hands; Your…

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When You’re Hurting

All of us have been through something that hurt our hearts. Perhaps it was a crushing break-up, a messy divorce (and aren’t they all?), the loss of a loved one, or a…

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Tough Stuff Tuesday: Beating Bitterness

Why aren’t more people pricked by the gospel’s message? Why aren’t there more people filling that front pew when the invitation song is sung? Is it because the church is filled with…

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