Category: Respect

What Do You Praise?

Let me throw this out from the beginning: I am not a parent. I know nothing more than what the Bible says about parenting. I haven’t experienced it. I don’t get it.…

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That’s What Sisters Do

I still remember the day vividly: my oldest sister sat in front of the chair she’d place in my middle sister’s room, tweezers in hand. As a 14 year old, I was…

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February Wife Challenge

February is often dubbed the month of love, and in the blogosphere, post after post expands upon the most valuable Christian virtue. I’m thankful for such posts, as I need constant reminders…

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God Means What He Says: Adam and Eve

The story of Adam and Eve may be the most familiar in all of the Bible. For time’s sake (and not to insult your intelligence), I will quickly recap one of the…

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Camp Rules for Life

Growing up, I attended a congregation that did not go to any huge Christian camps. Instead, our preacher and youth minister took a group of about 100-125 of us to the campus…

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