Category: Sacrifice

Never Forget

It’s a day that we will never forget. A day where hundreds died and millions mourned. A day when we cried out for justice, and vowed to “always remember.” September 11, 2001…

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That Poor Missionary

Sunday evening, I had the privilege of listening to a report given by one of the missionaries that North Charleston supports. It was a fascinating presentation. I was enthralled by every picture,…

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The Darkest Day

It was the darkest day. The sun was blacked, and shadows crept upon the noontime hustle and bustle.  The shouts had quieted by this point, as the crowd drew nearer to the…

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Why Exhaustion is Worth It

I am one of those people. You know the ones: they require every bit of the recommended 8 hours of sleep every night. If I get anywhere between 4-5 hours, I am…

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Could You Be Quiet?

We live in a society of civil rights issues and freedom of speech marches and supreme court rulings. Our society is very much a self-centered one. How dare anyone infringe on my rights?…

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Choosing the Better Part

A couple of weeks ago, we talked about a woman named Martha, who was “worried and troubled about many things”. As Jesus addressed this dear woman, he admonished her sister, Mary, for…

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A Rejected Proposal

Aren’t rejections sad? Have you ever watched a youtube video or a movie where a man proposed and the girl said no? Aren’t those the most heart-wrenching, awful things in the world?…

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The Path to Forgiveness

    My body aches in deep despair, for shame has overtaken. And though I know You’re there to help, my faith in me is shaken. It seems the more I long for…

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Christianity and Entertainment Choices

Earlier this week, I read a news article about the young actor who plays on the popular show “Two and a Half Men.” The actor, 19 year old Angus T. Jones, made…

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Leave All and Follow

Sometimes I forget the circumstances surrounding the calling of the disciples to follow after Jesus. In Luke’s account (Luke 5:1-11), we are told that Jesus got into Peter’s boat and taught the…

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