The One Thing

Knock knock. Who’s there? Me. Yeah, I’m sure you’ve forgotten who I am by now.

In 2018, I wrote ten blog posts. That’s not even one a month, for those 3 of you who are worse at math than I am. That’s down from a meager 14 posts in 2017. Needless to say, I have become the person I never wanted to be – the person who doesn’t write. Given, I did accomplish a lifelong dream in 2018, publishing a book, which is no small task. But still, my writing world began in elementary school. This has always been my outlet. Blogging has always been a part of me — an appendage — before, during, an after blogging was cool. It’s something I’ve always enjoyed, and definitely something I’ve missed.

Going completely against the spirit of the new year season, I’m not going to be making any resolutions for blogging more or doing so much so many times a month. That’s just not going to happen. One, I do still have a weekly podcast that I need to keep working at, and that definitely takes some time. Two, I have a toddler. Enough said. Three, I have another little one on the way. The second half of my year is already committed to resting and mom-ing.

So what does any of this pointless rambling mean?

It means that wherever you are, in whatever busy stage you find yourself in, you can and should do whatever is best for you. If you are passionate about something and can do it, do it. Spread the good news! Do good! If you are busy and stressed and snippy with everyone because you’re overcommitted, back off. It’s ok. Only one thing is necessary, and that is making sure you are being faithful to listening to Jesus and being His disciple. Everything else is extra, and sometimes, it just flat out gets in the way.

Isn’t that the conversation Jesus had with Martha? She was serving. She was welcoming people into her home to listen to Jesus teach. But then she missed it. She got distracted with too much good, and it turned her kind of mean and complainy. She blamed her sister, blamed the Lord (!!), and missed an opportunity to sit at Jesus’ feet and simply be still and be in His presence.

If we overexert for the sake of doing all the things, we are likely going to become worried and troubled over many things. Jesus says stop. Be still. Listen to me. That’s the good part. Don’t miss the good part.

I may or may not blog sometimes this year. If I do, it’ll be a worthy endeavor. I will continue doing my podcast as much as I can, and when I can, it’ll be good and helpful to others (I pray). But when I can’t, and my days look more like unshowered hot messes of drool and poopy diapers and toddler tantrums and unwashed clothes and dishes, it will be ok. At least, it can be ok…if I’ll stop and focus on the one thing that matters. Jesus.

If I get so caught up in the stuff (and I have) that I want to do or can do, yet I miss communing with my Lord, I have turned into Martha. If I am busy serving all the people, even the littlest people in my own home, but I miss sitting and learning at Jesus’ feet, I have turned into Martha. If I am more concerned with meal plans or potty training or conquering laundry mountain or being the cool mom, and I let my time alone in the Word fall by the wayside (my toes are hurting, ouch), I have turned into Martha. I don’t want to be that Martha. I want to be the Martha who learned this lesson the Lord gave her, and then followed Him closely, and knew He could help her brother. The Martha who knew Jesus was Lord and lived as such.

This year, I’m not really making many resolutions or promises to do or be something special. Instead, I’m just trying to keep telling myself to choose the one thing, the good thing, and let everything else fall where it may.

1 comment

  1. Thank you, Emily for the much needed reminder to actively choose keep the Main Thing the Main Thing! Love your heart sister! Appreciate all you do for The Kingdom! Congrats on expecting again! Congrats on publishing a book! Very excited to hear those wonderful events are taking place in your life! Will continue to pray for you, your family, & your work!


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