Just as Shameful

There’s a reason I haven’t taken a “public stand” on my blog about the new movie coming out this weekend. Mostly, it’s because it’s sickening and I don’t want to think about it more than I have to. But partially, it’s because I have had to be in constant check of my attitude about it.

As a whole, Christians have stood up and said “no more!” to the whole 50 Shades of Grey phenomenon. I’m thankful to God for that. Truly we ought to “flee from the appearance of evil” and “keep ourselves unspotted from the world” (1 Thess. 5:22, James 1:27). I’m encouraged that so many are doing so, by not buying copies of the explicit, sexually-charged book and not buying movie tickets to the highly erotic and sinfully sensual movie. I’m glad my brothers and sisters are encouraging others to think before they read/watch. But are we being fair about our harsh judgment on the movie? That’s why I’ve had to abstain from talking about it for a while, because in my own life I realized I was not.

So many Christians are anti-50 SOG, and with good reason. But how many Christians are anti other evils? How many openly speak out about TV shows like Scandal (whose reviews speak of profanity, rape, explicit sexual acts) or Modern Family (a show that glorifies a homosexual relationship) or Breaking Bad (whose reviews speak of tons of nudity and a host of curse words)? How many speak out about certain music artists whose lyrics include highly sensual material (Animals by Maroon 5?!) or speak explicitly of fornication and use profanity (Don’t by Ed Sheeran) or are filled with various sinful suggestions throughout? How many Christians are shocked and dismayed when someone publicly uses God’s name in vain? How many are outraged when religion is mocked? How many are outraged when sin is presented as entertainment?

50 Shades of Grey is filth, plain and simple, and has no place in the heart or mind of someone trying to live a sanctified life. But it says a lot about us if it takes something as far gone as that to shock us and call us to action. Last time I checked, the Bible is replete with passages warning us against all sins. Lying, stealing, lusting, gossiping, worrying, being unloving, ungrateful, unthankful, cowardly. There is no place for any of these sins in a Christian’s entertainment arsenal, and yet it takes something so repugnant as 50 Shades to call us to action?! I am ashamed of myself that that’s the case, and I pray that God will create in me a clean heart. A heart that is outraged by sin. A heart that sees sin as God sees sin: the thing that put Jesus on the cross. And with that mindset, I pray I will abstain from every form – not just the forms that are so easily seen and widely accepted as sinful, but the ones that I know aren’t helping me be pure, holy, and blameless before my God.

May we all be people who stand up for truth and holiness. May we all be people who uphold God’s views in all areas of our lives. May we protest and boycott things our culture claims are entertainment – but may we do so on all accounts. In our homes and at the movies. In our cars and online. No matter where we are or what we’re doing, may we keep ourselves unspotted from the spot-filled world around us.

“Come out from among them
And be separate, says the Lord.
Do not touch what is unclean,
And I will receive you.”
“I will be a Father to you,
And you shall be My sons and daughters,
Says the Lord Almighty.”
2 Corinthians 6:17-18


  1. Excellent wake up call for us all sister! And a hearty Amen! Thank God for your talent to remind us on a regular basis of what God wants and expects of us as His children! Thank you!


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