Obedience and Love

Some moments, I feel like a through and through housewife. Yesterday, I exploded with joy when I found the juice I love buy one get one free at Publix. Who am I and when did that become something that matters? Alas, that is me. Excited to find deals. Addicted to the scent of my Dawn pomegranate dish soap.

There are, though, certain things I still pretty much hate. Washing dishes. Folding laundry. But, that’s life, isn’t it? You don’t always enjoy every aspect of everything. And the thing is, Christianity is the exact same way.

Spiritually speaking, there are certain things I enjoy to do. I like helping people. I like praising God in song. I like getting together with like-minded people. But there are others thing that I’m not inherently inclined toward, like forgiving people when they wrong me or loving people who say really terrible things to me or cast me off like I’m not lovable.

The reason I wash the dishes and fold my husband’s laundry is because I love and respect my husband. He works hard for me so that I can stay home. So I do what I can to help him. Even when I don’t like it, I do it, because I love him and want to please him.

That’s also the reason I forgive people when they wrong me. It’s the reason I strive to love those who treat me like I’m disposable. It’s the reason I constantly try to better myself, even when it is uncomfortable or embarrassing or extremely difficult. No, not because I want to please my husband, but because I love God and I want to please Him.

Just because things go against my nature doesn’t give me an excuse not to do them. I may be tempted to behave negatively and complain. I may be tempted to deal dishonestly. I may be tempted to shut out those who hurt me. However, because I love God, I choose to do things His way. I choose to embrace good language and cut out the complaints. I choose to always be honest, even if it means financial ruin. I pray for those who hurt me, and readily forgive them when they ask. It isn’t easy. It’s not always enjoyable. But because I love God, I do it. And I do it gladly.

Maybe you there are things that you enjoy doing for God, and I’m so thankful for that. But don’t stop there. Don’t camp out in your spiritual comfort zone. God hasn’t only called us to obey the commands we find easy or enjoyable. Instead, we are called to obey all of the commands of God. That’s how we show we love Him (John 14:15). It isn’t very loving to only do the things we like to do. That doesn’t show respect; it just reiterates how selfish we are.

So try to find something you aren’t necessarily good at. Maybe it’s forgiveness. Maybe it’s bearing with your brothers and sisters. Maybe it’s keeping your peace on Facebook when you want to complain or speak negatively against someone. Maybe it’s attending every service your elders have scheduled for your spiritual growth, even though you would rather do something else. How much love are we showing our God when we choose our own desires over Him? How much love are we showing when we only do the good we want to do, and leave out the things that are hard? Sounds a lot like the Pharisees, doesn’t it? Saying they loved God but not doing all of the things He commanded (Matthew 7:21-23).

There are certain aspects of living the Christian life that might come easily to you. That does tend to make it enjoyable. However, we aren’t called to be people of holiness in only the areas we find enjoyable. Instead, God calls us to radically change our lives – to first conform our minds to His will, and then let that be followed by actions that reflect the change. Whatever it is you struggle with, go at it head on. Conquer it. It might not be enjoyable at first, but it will show how much you love your Father, and there is no greater joy than a thriving relationship with Him.

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