You Are The World’s View

There are a lot of responsibilities on Christians. We are required to spread the good news of Jesus to the entire world (Mark 16:15). We are required to keep all of the commands of Christ (1 John 2:3-4; 3:24). We are required to live lives of holiness (1 Peter 1:15), lives that are far different than the sinful world around us (Romans 12:2, 2 Corinthians 6:17-18). We are to be people characterized by love (John 13:35) and benevolence (1 John 3:17). Living the Christian life is equal parts don’t (sin) and do (love).

So what type of view of Christianity are you giving the world?

As God’s people, we are the very ones who give those outside of Christ their view of Christianity. What do our lives – words and actions – show other people about Christ? After all, our entire purpose on this earth is to bring glory to our Father (1 Corinthians 6:20, Matthew 5:16). Is that what we’re doing? Is that what every part of our life is dedicated to?

Think about the different ways you give the world their view of Christianity. Here are just a handful I’ve come up with:

You are the way people see your spouse. Do you degrade them? Do you make fun of them? Do you talk bad about them to other wives/people? Do you make them out to be incompetent? Do you make marriage out to be a drag? Do your jokes reflect a scary truth about your loyalty and devotion? What are you telling the world about your marriage and your spouse by the way you live?

You are the way your family sees the eldership. Do you constantly complain about decisions? Do you only adhere to the “rules” you like? Do you undermine their authority? Do you criticize decisions to others while never addressing your concerns with the elders? What are you telling your family/children/friends about God’s design for church leadership if you don’t respect their authority?

You are the way the world sees the church. Are you kind toward your brothers and sisters? Do you complain about things that happen within your congregation to your co-workers or friends who aren’t Christians? Do you project an all about me attitude when it comes to worship? Do you bother to attend worship services regularly? The choices we make, the words we say, they all directly effect how the world views the church.

We have a responsibility. Really, we have a lot of responsibilities. But one really, really important one is that we show people the real, New Testament church. We show them love and fellowship. We show them respect for the Bible and for its authority. We show them generous spirits and true worship. But to do that, to show the world those things, we have to be living those things. We have to be people of love and holiness. We have to be people who practice self-control, not backbiting and gossip. We have to be people who are servants first, never seeking our agenda within the Lord’s body.

I love the church. I love being a part of a family that loves and helps and supports and encourages and yes, even disciplines. I am so grateful and thankful to God for His glorious design, and I pray that I am a contributing member to the Lord’s body. But I pray I will never, ever be someone who puts a bad taste in someone else’s mouth. I pray my words and actions (and Facebook statuses) never turn someone away from Christ’s body, instead, I will be ever ready to praise the church and her leaders; to lift up my brothers and sisters before others as people seeking God.

May we all be mindful that we are the ones who are giving the world their view of Christianity. May it always be a proper view; a view that glorifies our Father in heaven.

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