10 Ways to Be Happy Today

Everyone wants to be happy. So what if I told you that the answer to being happy lies within these 10 things. Ultimately, you’re the only one that can decide if you want to be happy, but if you’ll implement these 10 things, it will definitely help.

1: Stop being passive (Matthew 18:15).

When problems arise in our lives, they are meant to be confronted. If someone has sinned against you, go to them and resolve the issue. We are not to be people who live in conflict with those around us, especially if they are a brother or sister in Christ. You are only letting Satan set up camp in your heart when you allow negative feelings towards other to live and grow. That’s how bitterness begins, and none of us need to be people who are bitter.

2: Extend Mercy (Matthew 5:7).

Jesus said, “Blessed are the merciful, for they shall receive mercy.” We will find happiness and abiding joy in our lives when we forgive those who hurt us. It may be a deep hurt; one that seems too big to overcome. It may be something that other people tell you that you didn’t “deserve”, and therefore you don’t have to forgive. But ultimately, that’s not biblical. Jesus said if we want mercy, we give mercy. There is no hurt so deep that we aren’t required to forgive. Your heart will be lighter and your life will be better when you choose to humble yourself and extend the same mercy God has extended to you toward someone else.

3: Stop being prideful (James 4:6).

James tells us that when we are proud, God resists us or literally sets Himself in opposition to us. If you want to be happy, the best way to do that is to align yourself with God, because the alternative is the best way to be miserable. But not only aligning yourself with God, but ridding yourself of haughty feelings about yourself. When we think too highly of ourselves, we often put others below us. That’s not God’s prescription for a blessed life.

4:  Associate with the humble (Romans 12:16).

We tend to act like those that we hang around with. It’s no wonder, then, that Paul said that bad company corrupts good morals (1 Corinthians 15:33). Instead, hang around people who are servants. People whose minds are set on helping others and not on materialism and keeping up appearances. If you want to live a happy life, quit “keeping up with the Joneses” and instead stay down with the workers.

5: Stop trying to solve your own problems (Jeremiah 10:23).

The Old Testament is replete with passages telling us that mans steps are not his own to try and figure out. The entire book of Ecclesiastes is about a man (the wisest to ever live, by the way!) who is trying to figure life out for himself, but ultimately realizes that a fulfilled life is a life seeking God and doing His will (Ecclesiastes 12:13-14). We will find so much peace and joy when we give all of our cares to God, letting go of our fears and worries and stress and letting God take the reins.

6: Pray without ceasing (1 Thessalonians 5:17).

There is so much contentment that comes from talking to our Father. You cannot fully live a life of joy if you are not a person of prayer. Paul said that when we will offer prayer and supplication to God, we will receive His unfathomable peace (Philippians 4:6-7). Until our hearts are at peace, our lives will not be. If you want to be happy today, start praying. You cannot leave a prayer session with our Father feeling burdened.

7: Stop ingesting filth (Philippians 4:8).

What goes in must come out! If you want a life of drama, stress and dysfunction, but sure to put as much of that into your heart as possible. If you want a life of that longs for God, don’t put in things that align you with Satan. No more sexual immorality of any kind. No profanity. No immodesty. No racism. No greed. Instead, only things that are lovely and pure, true and worthy of praise. When you put those things in, the result will be a life characterized by the fruit of the spirit (love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control). If those things describe your life, how could you not be happy?!

8: Imitate Christ (1 John 2:6).

Sometimes, as humans we’re tempted to follow what we see. Because we can’t see Jesus, we settle for following fallible men or cultural trends. We follow what we see, and sometimes we’re looking to the wrong things. Other times, we simply follow because we don’t want to stir the waters and that’s how something’s “always been done.” Ultimately, though, if you want to be happy, you’ll stop trying to follow culture (always changes and isn’t necessarily right!) or other people (imperfect). Instead, you’ll follow the perfect example of our perfect Savior. You’ll walk as He walked, live as He lived, love as He loved. A life lived like Jesus is a life of joy. Is it problem-free? Of course not. People hated Jesus so much that they murdered Him. But a life lived like Jesus is a life lived knowing you’re going to heaven. There’s nothing better than that.

9: Stop giving up (Psalm 34).

The Lord is near when we are broken-hearted. The Lord delivers the righteous out of their afflictions. The Lord hears the prayers of His people. All of these things are reasons we should never give up. We are on the Lord’s side. There is always a way of escape. There is always hope for a better tomorrow, even if that only means an eternal tomorrow in heaven with our God and Savior. Nothing this life can throw at you is worth losing heaven. Don’t ever give up.

10: Love deeply (Romans 12:10).

We are tempted at times to start throttling our love for others. We start out loving them a lot, but the more they hurt us the less we love. Over time, our love grows less and less, until really, we’re loving only in word and not in deed. To be truly happy, and people whose lives exude the love of Jesus, we will be people who love all men equally – and that love will be deep and true. We will love the one who causes us pain just like we love the one who blesses us each time we meet. We will love the one who is rough around the edges just like we love the one who is easy to get along with. If we want to be happy, we’ll be the same to everyone. Having to put up a front, being hypocritical, those are games that are hard on our psyche. Instead, love all men deeply just as Jesus loved.

If you’ll implement all of these things in your life, there’s no way you won’t be happy. Regardless of the circumstances that come up in life, you’ll find peace. Regardless of the negative ways people treat you, you’ll find joy. Regardless of the pain you feel, you’ll find relief.

Maybe 10 things seems like a lot. Start with prayer. Each day and night, talk to your God. There is no greater joy.

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