
Today is a really interesting day: It’s 11-12-13, and there will only be one more of those consecutive, weddings-like-crazy days(12-13-14) for a really long time. So yeah, I’d say today was special.

But it’s just a date. I’ve found an 11-12-13 that is far more beneficial, and the apostle Paul wrote it:

“not lagging in diligence, fervent in spirit, serving the Lord;  rejoicing in hope, patient in tribulation, continuing steadfastly in prayer;  distributing to the needs of the saints, given to hospitality.” – Romans 12:11-12-13

While cute little dates are fun for weddings, Facebook posts, and obnoxious cell phone photos, that’s really the extent of it. But Romans 12, which has been dubbed by some as the little Bible, is extremely beneficial.

Take verse 11, for example. It teaches us how we should serve. Not apathetic pew fillers. Not lukewarm Laodiceans. Active, excited, zealous, at-work Christians.

Verse 12 teaches us about day to day life as a Christian. We are to be joyful because we have hope–a promise of heaven after all of this is over–which is why we can be patient in tribulation. And, prayer will give us the strength to do it.

Verse 13 teaches us about our attitudes toward others, and that attitude is to be generous. We are to be selfless givers to other members of the body, and always willing to be hospitable.

And so, while today seems all fun and games, take a moment to focus on what Romans 12: 11-12-13 can do for your life. Do you need to be more fervent in your Christian service? Do you need to be a little more joyful? Could you stand to help those around you more? Romans 12 has something for everyone! So go out and make the most of this day!

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