A Blessed Life

Well, I feel like I’m pretty old. Sure, 25 isn’t that old, but when I think about it in terms of the fact that–should God give me the time–a third of my life is probably over, yeah I’d say I’m getting old. And, I’d say that if a third of it is over already, I better be getting to work on more great things for the Lord!

Today, though, I’m not really looking forward. Instead, I’m reflecting on the wonderful 25 years I’ve had.

My earliest birthday memory is in the form of a Little Mermaid cake. I’m not sure how old I was–not very, for sure–but the little figurines on the cake still stand out in my mind (probably because I played with them for 10 more years). From there my birthday memories revolve around sleepovers with my best friend Jessie and trying to predict if it would be warm enough for putt putt or if we’d have to do some kind of indoor, lame, November-cursed birthday party.

The birthday memories that stick out to me the most are the most recent, though. And as you will see, my life has been abundantly blessed.

It starts four years ago. Four years–wow, it doesn’t seem like it could have been that long ago–when three semi-ok friends headed out on an adventure that would change their lives. Alyssa, Shane and I climbed aboard an overnight train to Munich for a weekend filled with exciting, once-in-a-lifetime things. They were SO accommodating for my 21st birthday—letting me take stupid pictures all day in Paris and even letting me go to the Hard Rock Cafe for mac and cheese and free refills (with ice!) that evening. The rest of that trip was equally as amazing, with funny poses in the Louvre, hilarious songs on the trains, and hours and hours of laughter (and a few minutes of terror when we got on a train we didn’t actually have tickets for). I will forever treasure that weekend and those birthday memories, because I made them with two people who would become my best friends–and one that would go on to be my maid of honor and music-soulmate.

The last memory I want to share is from last year. Let me just say that married birthdays are the best!!! Robert took me to Nashville to see Wicked, and we stayed in a hotel and dressed up all fancy and had a wonderful meal and cheesecake and basically anything on earth I wanted. But the best part was knowing that every birthday I would ever celebrate would be with him. That definitely made it the best birthday ever! Especially when considering that as of last year, I’ve been given the two greatest gifts I will ever have: salvation through Jesus Christ and a Christ-centered marriage with my best friend. No birthday I will ever have will offer anything greater than what I am already experiencing!

I have had an extremely blessed and abundant life, and I know that the reason is Jesus Christ. He said in John 10:10, “I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly.” The reason Jesus came to this earth was so that I could have the opportunity to have eternal life with Him in heaven. And, if I will be His disciple, my earthly life will be filled to the brim with innumerable blessings. The only reason my life (and my birthdays) have been so joyous is because of my Savior.

I am so thankful for each and every person that is a part of my life or who has been a part of my life. Each of you have helped to make my life rich and full and abundant. Should God not give me until my next birthday, I will have lived a full and happy life. But, should God give me more time on this earth, it is my prayer that I will spend every year of my life serving Him, and telling others about the ways He can bless their lives.

If you are not experiencing a rich and abundant life, please know that Jesus wants you to. He wants to give you life–eternally. Don’t waste another year, another day!, without putting Him first in your life and receiving all of the blessings that He so freely gives.

And, I’d like to give a special half-birthday shout-out to my wonderful best friend (and amazing husband) who is exactly 25.5 years old today! I love you!!!!! Let’s get a cake to celebrate =)

**And for one more reason I am extremely blessed—my husband started a blog today and his very first post is about me (though completely undeserved). He is so amazing and truly makes me the luckiest.

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