A Year in Review

On my old blog, I did a post at the end of each year highlighting what I had done in the previous year. Really, it’s just a nice way to be able to quickly look back at what has been going on. Since I don’t keep many traditions from my old blog, I decided I’d implement this one.

• 2012 IN REVIEW •


In January, I had the bright idea to cut off all my hair. In case you’ve forgotten, my hair used to be incredibly long. In October of 2011, I decided to cut off a little (8 inches). Since that wasn’t as traumatic as it could have been, I decided to go the extra mile and chop it all off. It was undoubtedly the second-worst hair idea I’d ever had. The first being the bowl cut era.


Though still mourning the loss of my beloved hair, I did my best to make it work for our first Valentine’s Day as a married couple. Needless to say, it was all kinds of wonderful. My new husband knows me so well, and he planned a much-needed getaway for us. Also, I started this blog!


This month started out pretty epicly, when my Great White macbook started to die. My ever-loving and Apple-supporting husband insisted that we get me a new computer. But, one trip to the Cool Springs Apple Store later and we’re both the owners of brand new iPads (because hello, that’s cheaper than one computer for me!). My precious husband spoils me so much! Also during the month of March, we had our annual gospel meeting at EH and I got to know an amazing speaker, brother Jimmy Clark! We also started taping three new programs for the Gospel Broadcasting Network, and that meant that I got to meet/know a little better two amazing, godly men: Cliff Goodwin & Chris Clevenger. From the moment they were introduced to mine and Robert’s life on a regular basis, it has truly made all of the difference.


April was one of my favorite months of this past year because, after 8 long months apart, my best friend traveled all the way from Florida to come see me!! Alyssa and I had a wonderful week together, filled with the OTH finale, sparkling grape juice, Nutella to go packs, Ferrero eggs, and REAL European Nutella. It was remarkable.


May brought a little bit of sadness, as two of my dear friends had their first little boy–and he had some difficulties. They spent a lot of time in Vanderbilt, and I spent a lot of time in prayer. Thankfully (and praise God for this!) little Cullin responded well to the surgeries and treatments, and has developed into the perfect and most precious little boy of all time. And while I would never wish this kind of fate upon anyone, I know that the trial that Jake and Shea were placed in helped us all; it helped my prayer life and my faith in God, and no doubt it helped theirs. *This photo is from December because that’s the first time I got to meet Cullin, but isn’t he the most precious!?*


June was a wonderful month, filled with all kinds of kid-centered things. For the entire month (8 sessions) we had Summer Bible School, so that kept us pretty busy every Tuesday and Thursday. But, one of my favorite kids in the entire universe, my precious niece Jenna, had her first birthday! We definitely enjoyed being a part of that day (since Robert is now a full-fledged uncle!).


How could July not be an incredible month, as it marked a pretty huge milestone for us: our one year anniversary! It was a tumultuous and crazy year, but it was the best I’ve ever had! Being married is just awesome.


This month brought our yearly spiritual recharge in the form of PTP (Polishing the Pulpit). We got to spend lots of time listening to amazing sermons, as well as lots of dinner times around amazing Christian people (such as Paul & LaDon, Joe & Pam, Tim & his dad and brother, Brandon & Jade, and my grandmother). It was a much-needed, amazing time. Already looking forward to another year should God give us that time.


Just when you thought your year couldn’t get any more exciting, we bought OUR FIRST HOUSE! September was a crazy time of packing, cleaning, moving, unpacking, arranging, cleaning, rearranging, losing things, and finally getting settled. It was wonderful, and everyday I am still so thankful that God blessed us with such a wonderful place to call home.


October may have been one of my favorite months of 2012. After a month of home-buying/moving stress, we took a 5 day vacation with Robert’s family to Florida, and it was a well-timed getaway for sure! On the heels of that trip, though, came the Ironaton campaign that we filmed in Talledega, AL. It was another much-needed week, in that we got to spend some quality time


Again, another month of awesome stuff happening. Obviously everyone loves Thanksgiving, and we spent that in Pulaski this year. It was a wonderful, fattening day followed by the annual putting up of the Christmas tree….and the now annual going to the store to get more lights. The following week, I went to Miss Mary BoBo’s for the first time with Robert’s family for his grandmother’s 81st birthday. It was absolutely fantastic, and I would recommend it to anyone who has never eaten off of a lazy Susan*. Finally, to cap off this wonderful month, my podcast released on TLN’s website, marking the beginning of exciting times ahead for sure!


And now, December is upon us. This year has been crazy-packed with tons of epicness, and I’m sad to see it go. But, this month definitely portrayed exactly what the rest of the year was like: pure and unadulterated awesome sauce. To start, we had a food giveaway at East Hill and we helped to show God’s love to over 500 families. It was a beautiful thing to behold, and I was so blessed to be a part of it–not to mention how blessed I am to be working under the oversight of such amazing elders!! The very next weekend one of my dearest college friends got married, and that was just fun times all around!

Obviously this year has been incredible. I would like to give a huge shout-out to the followers I have of this blog, because you are what keeps me going. I would also like to give a big thanks to my supporters/faithful readers who come here via Facebook. You are all such an encouragement to me and I thank you so much for strengthening me as I try to strengthen my own faith.

May you have an amazingly blessed 2013.And, in case you were curious, you can check out my previous years in review here and here.

*Also, don’t you just feel bad for the lady that the lazy Susan was named after?

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