Back in the Swing of Things

I must take this time to apologize for my recent blogging absence, but I think you will be excited to know why I was gone. For the last 12 or so days, my husband and I have been on a wonderful, life-changing journey with 18 other individuals. Starting on Tuesday, March 12, we boarded a plane and made our way to Athens, Greece, then went to the ancient city of Corinth, then on a 3 day cruise around a few Greek islands, then headed to Turkey for a week exploring the western side of that gorgeous country. It has been quite an adventure, but one I am so excited to share with you.

In the upcoming weeks, I will be posting regularly about our trip. In the immediate future, I hope to start uploading some of our photos and they will be available on the photos page of this website, as well as on Facebook if you are my friend. Starting this week, my podcasts will also reflect the different areas that we visited, including (but not limited to) Laodicea, Troas, Smryna, Sardis, and Thyatira. So if you have not already, you can subscribe to the podcast via iTunes and it will automatically be sent to you when a new post releases.

For now, though, I will leave you with a couple of photos as a thank you for visiting my blog! Hope to have you back soon!

This one is from Heirapolis, with the calcium deposits (not snow) behind us.



This one is from the untouched site of Colossae, and that is a snow-capped mountain behind us! Stay tuned for more!


  1. I am so excited to hear about your trip and see all your amazing photos!!! I have missed you a TON! Reunion soon!! :) P.s. I have been watching (catching up) on ALL the TLN posts and LOVE them!!! Love, love, love!


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