Category: Worship

Give Me A Show, Jesus!

I’m guilty. Too often I come to my Lord with requests. Do this, heal them, give me that. Knowing that God is the giver of every good and perfect gift (James 1:17),…

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Why I Do What I Do

If I had lived back in the time of Daniel, as a Gentile I would have likely been Babylonian…if not by birth, then overtaken by them. As such, I would have been…

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The Greatest Gift

Have you ever received a really remarkable, overwhelming gift from someone? How did you feel? I can tell you, I’ve received some pretty amazing gifts throughout my lifetime: some wildly expensive, some…

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“Mi Gusta”

I vividly remember the reactions I received when I was in high school and I decided to take French instead of Spanish. Most people told me that it was stupid–that’d I’d never…

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How Will You Worship Tomorrow?

Mark’s account of Jesus’ crucifixion is a hard one for me to read. To me, one of the most powerful scenes in all of Jesus’ ‘trial’ is when the soldiers place a…

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Are You in a Denomination?

Let me tell you a little hypothetical story: Robert and I have decided that we want to buy a house. But wait! There aren’t a lot of houses around us that are…

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Camp Rules for Life

Growing up, I attended a congregation that did not go to any huge Christian camps. Instead, our preacher and youth minister took a group of about 100-125 of us to the campus…

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Lord’s Supper and Giving–why together?

When I was growing up, it was hard for me to distinguish the Lord’s Supper from the time we are giving our contribution. After all, the two very separate things were usually…

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