Why I Do What I Do

If I had lived back in the time of Daniel, as a Gentile I would have likely been Babylonian…if not by birth, then overtaken by them. As such, I would have been subject to King Nebuchadnezzar; under his jurisdiction and rule. And, because of that, I would have done what he said. For instance, in Daniel 3, when he sets up a golden image and makes everyone worship it, I would have done it (Dan.3:1-7). When I heard the music play, I would have bowed and worshipped in whatever way the king had commanded, because that’s just what subjects do.

What I wouldn’t have done was told him that I didn’t feel like bowing, but instead preferred to squat or sit cross-legged. I wouldn’t have told him that I would only bow if my favorite song was played. I wouldn’t have said anything, because he’s the ruler–I’m the servant, and what I say doesn’t matter one teeny tiny little ounce in his brain. Besides, it’s the image he set up, so I’ll worship it how he wants.

I’m guessing you don’t have any qualms with that, right? We normally understand King-servant relationships.

So why is it that when it comes to worshipping the Creator of the world, the One who formed my very being, I decide that I should have the authority to change the way He wants me to worship?

Much like King Nebuchadnezzar wrote a decree giving the specifications about worshipping the idol, the Holy Spirit has given us our instructions on how to worship the Supreme God of Heaven whom we are privileged to call Father. And, in the same way we would have approached the law that the flawed, human king set into place, should we not all the more respect and adhere to the commands of the most powerful being in all of time and space and eternity?

And so, when I go to worship, I don’t go expecting a performance from a rock band or choir or anything else there for my pleasure and enjoyment. Instead, I go and sit quietly and reverently, and I sing joyfully and gratefully unto my Creator, and to those around me (Col.3:16). Is it because I hate instruments? No. Is it because I hate choirs? Nope. Is it because I’m crazy-conservative and hate rock bands and anything else that isn’t hymns? Not at all. It is, however, because God told us how he wanted to be praised (even the angels sing around His throne) and that’s what I do. My opinion on the matter doesn’t much matter, seeing as I’m just a servant.

Before I even go to worship God, though, I choose to go to a place that’s called what Jesus wants it to be called–as He’s the Founder and Purchaser of His church (Mt.16:18, Acts 20:28, Eph 5:23, Rom.6:16). I don’t go somewhere with a hip, non-offensive, could-be-anything-but-it’s-so-neutral-I-don’t-know-where-I-am name. I don’t go somewhere with the name of a flawed, human man either; otherwise, I might as well just go worship King Nebuchadnezzar’s idol again. No, I go only where God, my Master, sanctions–and that is to a place where He is worshipped how HE wants to be worshipped–in both spirit and truth (John 4:24).

When I arrive, I don’t expect to lead, either. Would I mind leading? No. Do I enjoy leading prayers? Sure. Could I come up with things to say to a group of people? I think this website speaks to that. But, God said, through the inspired pen of the apostle Paul, “let a woman learn in silence with all submission,” and “Let your women keep silence in the churches: for it is not permitted unto them to speak; but they are commanded to be under obedience as also saith the law.” (1 Tim.2:11, 1 Cor.14:34).

Does God love me, even though I’m a woman? Absolutely! Does He think less of me because I’m female? No!! Does He have a different role for me? Yes. And did I create the world? Then I don’t get to make the rules OR complain about them.

For these reasons and so many others, I *currently worship God with His children at the North Charleston church of Christ in North Charleston, SC. If, for some reason, the elders ever started allowing worship to be more men-centric than God-centric, I would leave. Why? Because pleasing God is more important than pleasing any person on this earth–including myself. Thankfully, the elders at North Charleston are wonderful, dedicated men who strive only to do what the Bible says. I pray that we will all only worship God as HE wants to be worshipped. And if we’ll all only use the New Testament as our guide, we will worship Him the way He, the Master and Ruler and King, desires.


This post was edited to show where I currently worship


  1. What’s your take on other churches? I would assume by your language about not going to any church without the name God says he wants his church to be that you think every other church in the world that doesn’t have “Church of Christ” on their door, they must be going to Hell. I doubt you would ever actually admit that opinion but one could pull that logic out of your article.

    Are all of these things salvation killers? The name of the church, using a piano, not being silent during worship, clapping, not taking supper every single sunday. Three questions

    Are all of these important to salvation?
    Is the Church of Christ the only church that does it right?
    Are you willing to answer those questions honestly?

    • I appreciate you taking the time to ask instead of just assuming what I meant (because sometimes things don’t come through clearly in a blog post!)

      There are a host of names that the New Testament gives for the church that Jesus died for, and so any of those names would be perfectly fine. Church of God. Church of the First Born. Christ’s Church. So long as the identity of the church is that is belongs to Christ, that is perfect! I don’t think it’s smart to deviate from those names though, because then we’re putting man-made spins on everything (Luther, etc.).

      As far as “salvation killers” – there are a lot of things that only our God can know. However, His word is my only guide, and so I can’t align myself with congregations that go against His word. It’s not that I think only “churches of Christ” are going to heaven – I’ve seen plenty of congregations with church of Christ on the sign that don’t seem to be heading in a heavenward direction! Whether that’s because they have deviated from God’s plan for worship or because they fall into a lukewarm or dead category as Christ mentions in the letters of the 7 churches of Asia. No part of scripture is insignificant, and so I want to do my best to please God in every aspect.

      That being said, I do believe that adding instruments is deviating from God’s command for New Testament worship. I do think clapping is basically using a drum since clapping adds no value as far as teaching or admonishing (Col. 3:16). I absolutely believe that women aren’t allowed to lead in the worship, but that we are still required to sing and be actively participating in it. I take that stance because of 1 Timothy 2:11-15, because it seems the reason women are to not be leaders is not because of a cultural issue, but because of a creation order and sin order issue – and neither of those things have changed! I also believe that we are called upon to take the Lord’s supper every first day of the week – because we need to remember Christ. Again, though, if there is a congregation doing everything the Bible says – baptizing for the remission of sins, worshipping properly, etc.- then of course I think those people are going to heaven, regardless of if ‘church of Christ’ is on their sign. I’m less concerned with the name on the sign than what the people inside are doing with their lives.

      Hope that explains! If you have more questions please don’t hesitate to ask!


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