Keep Wearing the Hat

I have this hat. I purchased the hat while wandering around an outdoor market in Switzerland — very cold, Alps Switzerland. It’s fuzzy and made from legit Swiss wool. And I love it. I love that it because it reminds me of my travel abroad experience (and thus my BFF Alyssa), has the Swiss flag on it, and it’s SUPER warm.

But it’s also mildly ridiculous.

the hat

Robert isn’t a huge fan of the hat, mostly because, well, it’s ridiculous. It’s bright and loud and out there for all the world to see…and to judge. Still, I wear it proudly, because during these record-setting, coldpocalypse days, it’s doing it’s job — keeping me warm, keeping me healthy. I may get weird looks, sure, but I just know that when I’m wearing it, I’m super warm. That’s all that matters when it’s single-digit weather.

Peter tells us in 1 Peter 4:3-5,

For we have spent enough of our past lifetime in doing the will of the Gentiles—when we walked in lewdness, lusts, drunkenness, revelries, drinking parties, and abominable idolatries. In regard to these, they think it strange that you do not run with them in the same flood of dissipation, speaking evil of you.  They will give an account to Him who is ready to judge the living and the dead.

To me, this is just like my hat situation. When we, as true disciples of Jesus, go out into the world – out in public – boldly wearing our Christianity (loving our enemies, serving others, reaching out to the needy, having hard conversations about spiritual matters, radically changing our lives to fit God’s pattern), the world will look at us and think we’re weird. They may judge us, revile us, mock us, or persecute us. They may very well point and laugh. But it shouldn’t be a surprise.

All throughout our lives, Peter tells us that people will “think it strange” that we don’t act like them. When you’re in high school, it may be people laughing at your  modest clothes or your decision to skip the dances. In college, they may scoff because you don’t go to the parties or go “that far” with your boyfriend. In the adult world, it may still be that you decline to attend the work (aka drinking) parties, or that you choose to stay at home and raise your kids according to God’s plan.

I wear my hat anyway. It may be ridiculous, but I wear it anyway because it’s WARM. Likewise, when I go out and let Jesus live in me – and let others see that difference – I can have confidence in that because I’m SAVED. And while people may lash out at times (and they will), it shouldn’t cause me to be afraid or to cower and hide Christ. It should only cause me to reach out. Because when people threaten and laugh and scoff, it only shouts to the fact that they need God’s love. They need His warmth.

Whenever you feel singled out for your faith, respond only how the apostles did:

So they departed from the presence of the council, rejoicing that they were counted worthy to suffer shame for His name. And daily in the temple, and in every house, they did not cease teaching and preaching Jesus as the Christ.

As a Christian, the world SHOULD think you’re weird, but that shouldn’t stop you. Reach out to those people. Rejoice that they revile you, and continually spread the message of Jesus Christ, through your speech and actions.

And, as a side note – if people don’t think you’re weird, something might be wrong.

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