March Forth!

So first we had the No!vember challenge – where we stopped worrying, then came the February wife challenge – where we were actively submissive to our husbands. Now, I present to you the March challenge that I’m simply calling March Forth!

You see, today is National Grammar Day (nerd alert, sorry!) because today is the only day that is a complete thought. And so, on this awesomely nerdy grammar day, I issue a challenge to you and to me: let’s really march forth!

We’ve been given the command to go (Matt.28:18-20). We’ve seen examples of people who were both willing to go and who actually went (Is.6:8, Acts 8:4). But, we’ve also heard (and perhaps even offered) some excuses: I’m too busy, I don’t know enough, I don’t know anyone to go to, I’m nervous, etc. This month, we’re not having any more of that.

As Christians soldiers, we have to get out on the battlefield. You can’t have an army comprised of a majority who sit at home and send a few valiant men out to fight the rest of the world. Instead, the majority of us should be out in the fields, scattering seed and praying for the Lord to grant the increase (1 Cor.3:6).

This month, make a list. Better yet, make a list today. Sit down (you probably are right now, aren’t you?) and write out a list of at least 5 people you can invite to worship with you or have a personal Bible study with you. Do all of these people have to say yes? No. But we must get out of our comfort zones sometimes and do what we’ve been called to do…to be ambassadors for Jesus (2 Cor. 5:20). If you’re looking for things to invite people to, why not invite them to a gospel meeting? What about a Bible class that you love? Maybe a group devotional in a casual setting to help them get to know a few members of the church. Do something, though. Because idle, fruitless lives won’t be acceptable when the Lord returns.

So make your list because you’ve officially been challenged! Now, march forth!

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