Marriage: Year Two

It doesn’t seem like it’s been two years since I said I do to the most remarkable man I’ve ever met. It doesn’t even seem like it’s been a year since I wrote this post about our first year of marriage! And yet, here we are, celebrating our second anniversary together.

To say that every single moment of every single day has been ideal would be a lie. We’re both human beings, so we both make mistakes (one of us more than others *cough, me*). What I can say, as absolute fact, is that every single night of the last two years I have gone to bed knowing that I am the most blessed girl in the history of the world, and that the man I married is absolutely the most perfect match for me–given to me by my gracious Father (James 1:17).

This year has been an incredible one! We moved into a new house! We went to Greece and Turkey (!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) and in less than two weeks will go to El Salvador on a mission campaign. We have laughed together more times than I could ever count, gone on numerous roadtrips, and launched a brand new podcasting network which has made us work together more than we ever would have before (doing something oh-so-worthwhile!). Truly this year has been a blessing in our lives.

And so, while most people say the early years of marriage are the toughest (and usually mean that discouragingly), I am excited! Because if these are the toughest years of my life, I am truly living the most blessed life on this earth! And, while most people are prying into our lives wondering about kiddos, I’m happy to have spent yet another year getting to study one subject: my wonderful, ever-talented, crazy-gorgeous husband.

Today, July 8, 2013, we embark on year three. Who knows what this year has in store, save our God. What we do know, though, is that we have each other, and we’ll always have each other, and that will always be enough.

I am so blessed to be Mrs. Hatfield, and I am so thankful on this day that I get to share my life with the most talented, wonderful and encouraging partner there is. I love you, Mr. Hatfield. Thanks for another amazing year! And, to all of my other readers, I do pray that your marriage (either now or in the future) will be as happy and blissful as ours. I can give you the secret—it’s God as the foundation. You absolutely won’t ever go wrong!

And now, this year in pictures!







  1. May you both always say “I am my beloved’s and my beloved is mine.” Song of Soloman 1:14 Happy Anniversary

  2. Alexandra Clark
    July 8, 2013 at 7:41 am

    How precious!!! You two are such a fabulous couple and I’m so glad that you have always had God as your foundation! You are right…you will never go wrong with structuring your marriage that way! What an example you are to so many! :)


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