Mind the Mess

No, my website isn’t under construction. I’m not tampering with anything technological (mostly because I don’t do that). Instead, the mess is me, Emily.

Maybe you’ve noticed my absence in the blogosphere. Maybe you haven’t. Maybe you didn’t even notice it’s been 2.5 weeks since I published anything. But I have. Every day, I’ve thought to myself that I should post; that it’s been too long since I posted….but that hasn’t changed anything. I haven’t posted. And while you may not care, I’m here to tell you why: because I’m the mess.

A few months ago, I released a post about Martha and how distracted she was. I opened up in that post saying I struggle with being Martha, but it hasn’t been until the last two weeks that I’ve seen just how alike we are.

Martha was busy. In the 21st century, I can see Martha being a preacher’s wife, because let’s face it…our schedules are busy. One week we’re traveling with our husbands in a gospel meeting, the next we’re hosting people, the next we’re visiting people in hospitals 50 miles away…and before we know it it’s been two and a half weeks and we’ve barely spent any time sitting at Jesus’ feet and learning from His word.

That’s where I’ve been lately. It’s not that I’ve fallen off the face of the planet and holed myself up inside my home, neglecting any type of work I should be doing for the Lord. Instead, I’ve been ‘busy with much serving’, but haven’t found the time to sit down and learn the lessons Jesus wants me to learn. I haven’t stopped and listened and reflected. I haven’t soaked it in. I’ve been running around like Martha in the kitchen–busy making plans and preparations and doing seemingly good things, but neglecting the main thing–Jesus.

While it may mean nothing to you not to see a post from emilyhat.com popping up in your Facebook newsfeed, it means something to me: it means I’m acting like Martha. It means I’m busying myself with things that, quite frankly, aren’t as important. Notice I said aren’t as important, not unimportant. Because housework has to be done. Laundry, after a week of living out of a suitcase, has to be done. But laundry and cleaning and fixing up the house aren’t as important as breaking open the bread of life.

Just this morning, I heard a toe-stepping sermon that asked us what our skills/talents were, and how we could use them in God’s service. While I may not be the most talented writer, I do enjoy it. And there are tons of people out there who simply despise writing on every level. Since God has given me this skill and passion, I ought to be using it for Him, and the medium through which I do that is here, on emilyhat.com. When I’m busying myself with trivial pursuits, I’m not using my talents for the good that I could be. And I want to resolve that. I want to, always, use my talents so that I can be a profitable servant of the Most High God.

Whatever your talents are, you should be doing the same. So if writing, write. If drawing, draw. If card-making, send cards! But don’t let life get in the way, like it has me. Don’t let life hinder your service. The devil is looking to make our schedules jam-packed and filled to the brim so that we neglect doing the Lord’s work. Don’t let him get to you. Don’t let him turn you into Martha. And if he has, like he has me, pledge with me to change. To turn yourself into a Mary!


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