Tough Stuff Tuesday: Why Worry?

When I was in high school, one of my favorite songs was by a then-popular band and the song was titled “Why Worry?” Here are the opening lines:

“Why worry? I wonder all the time, why worry? It’s killing me. Forget about it.”

Those words hold a lot of truth, though I don’t think I paid much attention to them back then. In my adult life (aka the year that I’ve been married and away from home and living on my own), I’ve noticed that I spend a lot of time worrying. Recently, I heard a sermon that started off in a very thought-provoking way. Stan Butt, Jr. was the speaker, and he said that there are a lot of things that are talked about in Scripture that Christians just shrug off because “everyone does it”. One such sin is worrying.

The Bible tells us plainly, “Be anxious for nothing” (Phil. 4:6), and “Do not worry” (Matt. 6:25), yet we act as if it’s a suggestion rather than a command. In Matthew 6, Jesus is the one speaking, and at the end of verse 30 He says, “O you of little faith”. When we choose to worry, we choose not to have faith in God our Heavenly Father and Provider.

In James chapter 1, James says that if we ask God for something, He will give it to us liberally. Therefore, when Jesus tells us not to worry about food or clothes or anything else we may consider to be a “necessity”, we can understand that because we know that God will abundantly provide for our needs.

Sometimes, though, we just don’t believe it. What? You think that’s a bit harsh? Well when we choose to worry over something, it sure seems like we don’t believe that God will provide. It sure seems like we think we can do a better job controlling something than God can. I only say it like this because I am guilty of feeling and acting this way.

Stan Butt, Jr. went on to say,

“Worry steals today’s effectiveness. If you’re worrying about yesterday and tomorrow, you’re likely missing the opportunities to serve others today.” 

That quote hit me right between the eyes. How many times have I been guilty of neglecting something I could do to serve the Lord because I was too busy worrying and agonizing over what could be’s and what might have been’s. In case you are guilty of letting worry creep into your life and set up shop, I’ve decided to provide you with the outline that Mr. Stan gave to us.

He said from the outset that you cannot simply stop worrying: you have to replace worry with something else. Basically, worry is a habit. And to break the habit, we have to put something in it’s place. Here are his list of 5 suggestions for conquering worry, and a few thoughts of my own to help it makes sense to you.

  • Get your priorities right. Matthew 6:33 tells us to seek first the kingdom of God and all these things that Jesus had been talking about (food, clothing, etc.) will be added unto you. We have no reason to worry if our main focus is God. Mr. Stan said, “Worry is a sign of worldliness.” Surely those whose lives are away from God are the ones who worry, because those whose focus is on heaven aren’t concerned with worldly cares. 
  • Remind yourself of God’s promises. God has promised that He will never leave us or forsake us. He has promised to give us every good and perfect gift. He has promised to give liberally and without reproach. He has promised to give us what we ask. Trust in those promises! Maybe you’re anxious that you may lose your job or that you cannot get a job to begin with. Trust that God will provide for you, whether you land that dream job or lose that dream job. If your priorities are right, you’re studying from His Word. If you’re studying from His Word, you know that He will take care of you. When you find yourself worrying, pull out your Bible and read God’s promises.
  • Spend time praying. Matthew 7:7-12 gives us a discourse on what will happen when we ask God for something. When you feel that you need something, ask. When you feel nervous and anxious about something, talk to God. When you don’t know the outcome of something and it has you all stressed out, talk to God. When something has happened and you can’t seem to let it go, talk to God about it. He gives us the things we need when we ask for them. So if you ask Him to help you stop feeling like you need to be in control, I have full confidence that He’ll help you! If you ask Him to give you the strength to accept whatever outcome is headed your way, I trust He will! If we are in constant communication with Him about our needs, how will we ever feel that He is not providing? 
  • Start counting blessings instead of troubles. This may be my favorite thing that Mr. Stan said. Whenever I start getting worried about something, I can usually start counting all kinds of troublesome things around the situation. Usually, it’s a downward spiral of negativity that goes something like this: Well, if this happens then this will probably happen, which will of course make this happen, and before you know it this will happen and BAM….yeah, none of that ever really comes to fruition anyway. And if it does, God will get me through it. So instead of focusing on all of the things around that could make me worry, I will instead count the things that God has given me. We’re all aware that Philippians 4:6 tells us to be anxious for nothing. But then it tells us to make our requests made known to God, WITH THANKSGIVING. How often to we skim right over that phrase? When I am thanking God and thanking God and thanking God, am I worrying about much? Not really. I come away from those prayers with a smile on my face. So when you start feeling worried, start thanking God for all of the things that are going right in your life. 
  • Remember those who have real (not theoretical) troubles and help them. The best way to quit worrying is to do something that gets your mind off it. Find someone who has legitimate troubles (not the kind we usually have that are “this might happen”) and go help them. Bake a cake, send a card. Doing something that benefits someone else will make you forget about your own troubles, and will also make you thank God for being able to do those things. 

I want to close with a concept I learned from Dan Winkler in his class Life of Christ. He said, “Don’t be an Indian giver with God.” Give God your cares and concerns, and trust that He will handle them. Don’t “take them over” again, doubting that God can handle it. He is bigger than any situation or circumstance that this life can throw at us.

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