Trusting the Love of God

Out sweet baby doesn’t know anything outside of what we tell her and what she experiences. At this point in time, here is what she knows (and sings proudly all the time): “daddy loves me.” She’s been told, she’s experienced it: she is sustained by the love of her daddy (and mommy, of course). We care for her, provide for her, discipline her, and lead her toward good things. We teach her what’s best, what’s right, and lead her away from what’s bad for her. Because we love her.

At the very beginning of all of our lives, this is where we all were: dependent upon our parent/caregiver. We knew nothing apart from their love. Our every need was supplied by them.

We have an even greater Parent. From the womb, our Father has known us (Isa. 44:2, 24) and cared for us and provided for us. When we were old enough to learn, His word showed us the way. He pointed us to things that were righteous and holy. He knew that we would stray, but He made a way for us to come back – His perfect Son. He showed us that way, too. He made it clear what we must do to be saved.

And it’s easy, right? I mean, He loved us and cared for us and gave us every reason to trust Him. He was there for us when we were unable to care for ourselves. He provided the sacrifice when we were enemies and strangers and destined to eternal hell.

And yet…there are SO many people, most people, who decide…ya know what? Nope. I don’t need God. I don’t want to trust Him. I don’t want to listen to Him. In fact, He didn’t make me. I made myself. I did this all myself. I can decide for myself. I can choose. My plans and my ideas are more important than His. I know I’ve never been to heaven, and I didn’t make the universe, but you know what, I can probably just figure it out. I can probably decide what feels like it will get me to heaven. I can probably pick and choose what I want to obey — which commands are relevant for me.

Listen to that line of logic for a second? I’m talking to myself here. Emily, listen to that line of logic! You didn’t form yourself in the womb? You didn’t create mankind from dust. You didn’t place breath inside of him and give him life. You didn’t form an entire planet to sustain life. You didn’t create water or food. You have nowhere to go except God’s earth. You have no air to breathe except God’s air. You have no life-sustaining nutrient except that which God has made. And yet you, Emily, you think that you can decide how to get to heaven? You think you can decide, ya know what, I’m worthy to go there. No. You absolutely aren’t. You have sinned. You have chosen wrong. You don’t even know which way is up without God. You know nothing apart from Him and His love. Trust Him. Lean upon Him as He created you to do.

While the world is trying to be self-sufficient, just stop for a moment and ask yourself where self-sufficiency will get you. Answer? Nowhere. But being fully dependent upon God? Giving your entire self to Him? That will take you to heaven itself.

I want to be where God is. I know I can trust Him. I know His word will only teach me what is right and true; that His correction will only be in my best interest – even if it seems hard at the time. God is so, so good. He is our loving, gracious Father. His plans are the best plans for your life. Lean fully into them. Trust wholly and completely in God and His will. He will lead you to heaven. He will give you life, just as He did at your conception. You have been and will be nothing without God. But with Him, in Him, you will be forever with the Lord.

’Tis so sweet to trust in Jesus.

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