Who Are Your Friends?

So I’m a day late for a Flashback Friday, but that’s ok. It’s Lectureship week here in Pulaski, so it’s been smiles and hugs and greetings and meeting people you’ve only stalked on Facebook, and singing and learning and growing. For me, it’s also been a time of reminiscing. Because just a few years ago, this isn’t where I would have been.

I’ve always known the verse: Do not be deceived: “Evil company corrupts good habits.” Still, I deceived myself. I thought that being friends with people who claimed to be Christians was enough. I thought that dating people who sat in a pew was enough. But I was deceived. 

Then I met Robert. Robert showed me what a disciple was. Robert showed me that there was a difference in sitting in church and being the church. Robert helped light a fire for service in me that had never been lit.

Through Robert, I met a lot of other people who have that same zeal. People who are followers of Christ, not fillers of a pew. And that’s when it all changed. That’s when my life changed. When I stopped deceiving myself into thinking that hanging around mediocre people wasn’t making me mediocre.

I know that I wouldn’t be where I am today without the long-suffering of God, that allowed me to see enough days to become faithful to Him. I wouldn’t be where I am without my amazing, loving, remarkable husband who helped me through a lot of darkness. I wouldn’t be where I am without the close friendship of people like the Clevengers, who challenge me to be more than I am, and Emily Nelson, who encourages me to use my talents for the Lord. I wouldn’t be where I am without the close friendship of amazing preachers who live out their sermons in ways much more powerful than their words.

I say all that to say this: don’t be deceived. Find true disciples of Jesus and hang on to them for dear life. Let them encourage and exhort you. Let them push you and help you grow. If you are the most spiritually minded person in your group of friends, find more friends. No, don’t neglect your other friends: your job is to encourage them. But you also need to be encouraged. You also need people who admonish you to greater service, greater faithfulness. Seek those people out. Go to PTP. Go to lectureships. Find friends who are spiritually minded and make them your best friends, because you really will be influenced by those closest to you. Make sure those people look like Jesus.

1 comment

  1. As always, I just did my daily and/or couple times a week checking of my bff’s blog and seriously, if you didn’t already know how we are exactly the same, you wouldn’t believe this, but last night I was thinking “I’m gonna do a post on Emily next month on my blog and how she has encouraged me in her friendship…” AND use this same verse! So as usual we are name twins and brain twins, which is in all ways fabulous! :) lol

    This post was so sweet and encouraging and I am so honored to be included in it. I know what a privilege it is to call YOU my bff, because every day you encourage me to seek after Jesus more and more. To grow and grow and never forget I still have room to grow still. You are such an amazing example and light to this world! I seriously adore you, and your heart continues to be more and more beautiful and it’s such a beautiful thing to watch. Love you lots!!!!


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