Will You Pray For Me Today?

In just 8 days, Robert and I (along with a group from East Hill) will be traveling to El Salvador on an evangelistic campaign. It is our aim to spread the gospel to as many people as possible, and to encourage the church already established there.

We are thrilled to have this opportunity! As of a couple of days ago, we found out that we will be working together with a translator going to individuals’ homes carrying the gospel message to them. It is an overwhelming task to be the face of Jesus to people who have never heard, but we are excited about this opportunity. And so, I ask, will you pray for me today? Will you pray for Robert and his words as he teaches the lost in El Salvador? Will you pray for our safety as a group, and our safety individually? Will you pray for receptive hearts, and souls who will be converted to Jesus? Will you pray for the congregation of God’s people living in El Salvador, that they will help to continue teaching those whom we may teach and baptize next week, so that they will have a lifetime of faithful service to our master? And will you pray that our hearts will be changed? We want to come back different people–more keen on spreading the message of Jesus to other people. Please pray that the campaign will be a success, and that our hearts will be pricked to be more evangelistic even in our own community.

It is so easy to say “I’m praying for you”. I’ve been guilty of vainly using those words then forgetting to mention them to my God, and I hate that. I feel so guilty and terrible when I finally remember, and normally it’s too late. Don’t be like me. Stop, please, right now and pray specifically for the things mentioned. Our team needs your prayers so much, just as the lost in El Salvador need this message! Pray that we will be effective, and that God will give us increase!

Thank you so much! An update will be posted (with pictures!) when we come back!

1 comment

  1. I am fortunate to have you and Robert in my life, as is the East Hill congregation.
    My thoughts and prayers are always with you, and will be as you spread God’s Word to every nation.


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