I Get Distracted

I have always found the story of Mary & Martha to be a fascinating one. Maybe it’s because I have sisters, maybe it’s because I find that I can be a bit defensive at times, or maybe it’s because I long so much to be a Mary. Still, every time I read the story I feel guilty, because I relate more to Martha.

You see, Martha is distracted. She’s busily preparing a meal for the VIPs in her home, instead of spending time with the Son of God and listening to His teachings. And because she’s distracted from the ‘one thing’ that matters, she ends up accusing Jesus of not caring about her, and ordering Him to make her lazy sister help with some of the work!

If we know anything about Jesus, we know that He cares about people. All people. For Martha to say that Jesus doesn’t care about her situation–she must really be flustered & fretting over this hostess gig. Jesus sees that, which is why He responds to her in this way:

“Martha, Martha, you are worried and troubled about many things. But one thing is needed, and Mary has chosen that good part, which will not be taken away from her.” Luke 10:41-42

When we get worried — carried away in our thoughts — we get distracted from the one thing that matters: Jesus. Martha was busy doing things that aren’t inherently sinful: making food, tidying the house, taking care of people’s needs, being hospitable. What made those things sinful was that she chose them over Jesus. And why did she do it? Because she was distracted.

I heard recently that if the devil can distract you, he can destroy you. How true is that sentiment? Had Martha not been bothered with all of the to-dos in her life, she never would have given place to the devil and ignored Jesus’ teaching and ultimately accused Him of not caring about her! Instead, she would have been where Mary was–sitting at His feet and listening to His every word.

When we go about our weeks and we let thing after thing, to-do after to-do, appointment after appointment distract us from our true purpose, we give place to the devil. And, if we’re being honest, we show Jesus just how much of a priority He is in our lives. Think about your week: do you spend more time on the internet, watching TV or hanging out with friends than you do studying, praying and worshipping? It’s all well and good to say that Jesus is the priority in our lives, but if we truly examine our weeks, will we realize He’s nowhere near the top?

Martha got an eye-opening lesson the day she opened her home to the Lord. He showed her that she was too busy with her earthly schedule. And if you’re ever too busy to study God’s word, apply His teaching, or talk to Him in prayer, you’re just too busy, or at the very least, wrongly prioritized.

This is such a toe-stepping post for me, because I struggle with it. There are some days when I can get caught up in a Netflix marathon, or am more interested in what my iPad has to offer than what my Bible has to offer. I, personally, need to wake up and realize that if Jesus were to come into my living room, He may tell me exactly what He told Martha–that I am worried and troubled over many things, but need to refocus on the one thing that matters.

It’s a new week. Decide today what your first priority will be this week. Will you make sure to study your Bible today? Will you pause and pray to your Father? Will you make sure that you’re at Bible study on Wednesday evening, and any other service available in your area (SBS, VBS, gospel meeting)? Our choices show God where we stand….and what we place in front of Him. He already knows what our priorities are, so maybe it’s time we open our eyes to what they are and do something to change.

Be a Mary this week, not a Martha.



  1. Pamela Christoher
    June 10, 2013 at 3:01 pm

    Emily, I am such a Martha, always pushing worldly things ahead of Godly. Thank you for this post and with God’s help through my prayers and study ; may I think of myself as a Mary.

  2. You are doing a fantastic job of writing and I know you and Robert are doing so much good for our Lord. I am proud of you little girl (cause that’s how I think of you) and I enjoy reading your posts. I think my middle name is Martha, well maybe my first name sometimes. Take care and keep up the good work. Much love.

  3. Thank you for this writing. I needed it today and many days.
    ‘Wanted you to know that sharing your thoughts and ways we can be better at what we are suppose to do is helpful and appreciated. ( How’s that for a run-on sentence?)

  4. This is probably my absolute favorite post you have done, because I relate to it in sooo many ways (we are so alike!). I always feel like I have a ten mile long to-do list and it seems never enough hours in the day. I sometimes feel like I have to pry myself away from the small, truly mundane tasks (work, laundry, housekeeping) to focus on the Lord as I should. But my time with Him is always the most rewarding and fulfilling part of my day. Yet I still forget its importance many times. Such a hard lesson to live every day, but one of the most important of all time! Love you.

  5. Emily, this is absolutely a description of me, too. We had a study in LBC of Bible Women and at that time I mentioned how to me Marilyn Smith is a Mary and I struggle with being Martha. Your posting spelled it out for me. I continue to try to be a Mary, but it is an on-going battle. I’m so happy to know you and treasure your knowledge and ability to post such awesome thoughts. I am sure God is happy with you as you are able to teach even an older woman like me.


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