For My 26 Year Old

May 8th is one of my favorite days of the year, because my absolute favorite person on earth was born on this day, 26 years ago! And so, today’s post is dedicated to my one and only, the most amazing and talented man in the entire universe, and the one I am so privileged to call my husband.


26 Things You Should Know About My 26 Year Old

  1. He’s a tech-y. Toward the end of last year, Robert launched The Light Network (TLN) with a couple of other individuals. While I am forever grateful that these three other guys came on board and have created shows, I cannot help but brag on my techy husband, who is the brains behind the entire operation. From the editing and scheduling and recording to the artwork and design and website, Robert does it all. Having a degree in Mass Media helps, no doubt, but it’s his passion for doing the Lord’s work that has really made this dream a reality. I LOVE that Robert uses his talents and interests to serve God, even if it isn’t always in the most conventional of ways. 
  2. He’s a hard worker. There are some days when I don’t see Robert very much, and it may alarm some people and make them feel like we don’t spend enough time together. I don’t feel like that’s the case at all; instead, I admire that my husband is so hard-working and dedicating to doing the most and best he can for God. Day in and day out, he pushes himself nearly to the brink to be doing work for our God, and I am so proud of all that he does.
  3. He loves me, unconditionally. What you may or may not know about me is that I’m quite moody and completely full of flaws. Robert loves me, though, flaws and all, and consistently helps me be a better wife, daughter, sister, and child of God. There are some days when the devil has quite a hold on me, and those are the days I can really tell that Robert loves me, because he always encourages me and lifts me up.
  4. He is an amazing speaker. I am SO proud of Robert for using his talents for God. I am even more proud that he has been doing so for so long. It’s no wonder that I thought Robert was a professor at Freed the first time I heard him speak in chapel (after all, what student gets two back to back days in chapel?!). He’s been preaching since he was 15, and he’s just very effective! I am so proud of him, not only for all that he is today, but for all that he’s been all along. He has definitely been using his time and ability to the fullest.
  5. He is super encouraging. Maybe I’ve mentioned before that I didn’t learn to cook until Robert and I said ‘I do’. I think, maybe, I knew how to make about 5 things. Maybe. And yet, throughout our nearly 2 years of marriage, Robert has never turned something away that I’ve fixed. He’s never complained that something wasn’t good, or even hinted that he didn’t enjoy it. I know, for a fact, that I’m not a great cook, but you wouldn’t know it if you asked Robert, and that’s because he is the most encouraging husband in the universe.
  6. He provides for us. There is never a moment that Robert is looking out for our family’s needs, and I am so thankful for that. I completely trust him with my life and soul, and not only mine, but with our (future) children’s.
  7. He believes in me. It wasn’t too long ago that Robert sat me down and told me that I needed to get serious about this whole writing thing. He’s given me a few projects to work on, and obviously you can see that he’s made my blog into an entire website. Why does he do it? Because he loves me and believes in me, even when I don’t. He has always seen so much potential in me, and I am so thankful for a husband that pushes me to be more for God.
  8. He is the best song leader in the world. I’m confident that you have your favorite song leaders, but Robert should be up there on the list! Maybe it’s that I know how much he enjoys it, but it definitely shows. It’s just another way that he’s using his talents for Christ’s kindgom, and I’m so thankful for it. At East Hill, when he isn’t preaching, he’s leading singing. Most people would probably get tired of that. Most would probably enjoy a bit of time off. But Robert’s willing, and always enjoys getting to serve in whatever way he can. And, again, it’s not just that he’s willing, but he’s also amazing =)
  9. He is hilarious. On our recent journey to Greece & Turkey, I know that it could have felt like an incredibly long 8+ hour flight over and back, and an even longer 12 days of being around each other 24 hours a day, but with my hilarious best friend, it was very enjoyable. We have so many hilarious memories from that trip, and SO many inside jokes, and I am so thankful that he can make me laugh as much as he can. He truly makes every day wonderful and enjoyable and the best of my life.
  10. He spoils me. Can I mention again that he took me to Greece & Turkey? Which of us do you think was more excited about the trip? Obviously I’ve had the travel bug for quite some time, but of course Robert indulged me, and took me the trip of a lifetime. I am SO grateful that we were able to take this trip together, and to learn so much and grow even closer to each other!
  11. He’s so handy! The other day, Robert said, “I don’t think you ever need to weed-eat, because it would kill your wrist!”. I said, “well, as your wife, I have to submit to you, so I guess I can’t ever weed eat!” While that’s silly and trivial, the sentiment he expressed is pretty across the board. He takes care of everything around the house. Anytime I want something hung up, anytime the grass needs mowed, anytime I think of a project (like moving multiple mattresses, etc), he’s always on top of it. I love that he will always work hard whenever I need him to, even though he’s exhausted from the other things he’s a part of.
  12. He’s a great Bible student. I learn so much from Robert every time he teaches a class, preaches a sermon, or comes home and tells me about what he’s been studying that morning. No doubt it’s his passion and zeal that make him the student he is, and ultimately the preacher that he is. I am so thankful to be married to a man who truly values the Word of God, and urges others to study and love it as well.
  13. He’s a great helper. Being married is all about a team effort, and Robert truly makes being married to him super easy. I was nervous to move to a place where he grew up and already knew everyone in the congregation (and town!), but he’s made the transition effortless and painless. He always seeks out ways to make me feel comfortable and at home, or to go over who’s related to whom. I love how helpful he is!
  14. He’s a precious uncle. My nieces are little, and we don’t get to be around them since they live about an hour away, but anytime we’re around them, he’s always goofing around with them, playing with their princess toys, or even dressing up with them. It melts my heart to see him so involved in their lives, and reiterates the fact that he cares about all people, regardless of their age.
  15. He is a wonderful writer. While he doesn’t write as much as I think he should, when he does, it’s amazing. It’s so remarkable to me that he’s as talented as he is, and I am so thankful that he uses every single talent for God’s glory, not his own.
  16. He’s super humble—which is why he’ll be completely embarrassed by this entire list.
  17. He is an avid Mello Yello drinker. The way to Robert’s heart is definitely through his beloved drink, and while I don’t understand the draw, at least he doesn’t take my Diet Coke from the fridge.
  18. Apple products are the real way to his heart. Mello Yello’s great and all, but the real way to his heart is through mac stuff. This kid knows all about everything iOS and Apple related. Again, may I point you to point 1?
  19. He doesn’t do drama. If there is anything mildly dramatic on television, he wants to be in the other room. Bring on the comedy and the light & airy. Also, in real life, he doesn’t really like drama either–but who does?!
  20. He lets me go everywhere with him. I know a lot of preachers who are loners and like to do their own thing. Others, maybe their wives just can’t go with them everywhere or would rather not travel as much. But Robert wants me to go with him everywhere he goes, and encourages me to come. AND, he makes the road trips so fun, I’d be crazy not to go! Our travel days are some of the best!
  21. He is straight up cray cray. The later it gets, the sillier he gets, and I love every second of it. Being married to your best friend is the greatest!!! And speaking of cray cray….
  22. He’s birthday twins with BJ Clarke. If that’s not enough to make someone awesome, I don’t know what is!!
  23. He eats lunch with me every day. I hate the days when I don’t get to eat lunch with Robert (and those days are few and far between). It’s really one of my most favorite times of the day–getting to take a break from work and come home and eat and pray and talk and laugh with my husband. It’s only for like 40 minutes, but it’s wonderful. I love that he always takes time for me.
  24. He is the SWEETEST. While married inside jokes and confidentiality have to come into play at some point, just know that Robert is thoughtful and loving and wonderful and makes me the luckiest wife in the entire universe!!!!! Which is why I KNOW he’ll let me pull the half-birthday card at some point today and eat a lot of cake….=)
  25. He makes me more in love with him each day. Nothing I could ever have done in this life would make me deserve a love like I have with Robert, and I am so thankful to God for giving us each other. Every day is a blessing and I am so honored to be his wife, especially on days like today–which are all about him (in my book, at least).
  26. He’s mine. I am so thankful that this wonderful, talented, brown-eyed, handsome man is all mine. Nothing could ever make me happier!!


Clearly I am one blessed lady!! Thanks for letting me gush about my incredibly amazing husband today!!!

1 comment

  1. I would definitely have to agree with #8- he’s in my top 3 favorites in between the song leader I grew up with at Crieve Hall and Tom Holland.


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